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Herbal Recipes

Old Manuscript for Swedish Bitters

Maria Treben Swedish Bitters

Old Manuscript for Swedish Bitters

Old Manuscript for Swedish Bitters by Maria Treben’s “Health through God’s Pharmacy”- Advice and Proven Cures with Medicinal Herbs “OLD MANUSCRIPT“(transcript of the Swedish Bitter's curative power)If they are frequently breathed in or sniffed, the base of the skull is moistened or a moistened cloth applied to the head, they dispel pain and dizziness and strengthen the brain and memory.They help dim eyes and take away redness and all pain, even if the eyes are inflamed. They rid them of spots and cataracts, if the corners are moistened in time or a moistened piece of cloth is applied to the...

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How to make Herbal Pills?

Herbal Pills

How to make Herbal Pills?

Herbal pills are an easy-to-make, practical way to consume medicinal herbs. Formulate blends that taste good enough for children to enjoy. They are excellent for a sore throat; make them with antiviral herbs that help fight infection. Sucking on them is by itself soothing to the throat. Making herbal pills is a good project to do with children, who are more prone to take their medicine if they’ve had a hand in making it. Carob or cocoa powder is added to make these pill balls tasty as well as effective. Licorice root powder or opened capsules could also be used...

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How to make your own herbal suppositories

Aloe Vera Suppository herbal suppositories Parasite/Worm Expeller suppositories Tea Tree Oil Suppository

How to make your own herbal suppositories

With our current levels of malnutrition and gut degradation, it is virtually impossible to make a health transformation using our mouths alone. Supplements and nutrients inserted rectally have the benefit of crossing the blood brain barrier almost instantly, and bypassing the process of digestion. One advantage of making your own suppositories is you have full control of what ingredients to use to suit your unique needs. These methods of herbal application can be quite useful and very effective when dealing with specific local issues and for treating folks who are unable to take an oral remedy for various reasons. What...

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MUSTARD POULTICE OR PLASTER - The true home remedy for the flu, colds and many other ailments

Cold and Flu Mustard Plaster Mustard Poultice

MUSTARD POULTICE OR PLASTER - The true home remedy for the flu, colds and many other ailments

For centuries mustard plasters were the tried and true home remedy for the flu, coughs, colds, pneumonia and many other ailments. It was used regularly up until the not too distant past since this poultice was thought to sweat out all the “ills” the body held. A mustard poultice is a time-honored therapy: Your great-grandmother may have used mustard poultices and plasters to treat congestion, coughs, bronchitis or pneumonia. A mustard plaster offers immediate relief to discomfort in the chest and actually helps to treat infectious conditions - a much needed therapy. It works mainly by increasing circulation, perspiration and...

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Vinegar Foot Soak to treat Athlete's Foot

Athlete's Foot Vinegar Foot Soak

Vinegar Foot Soak to treat Athlete's Foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that affects the toes. The toes appear red and the skin may peel. Athlete’s foot often burns and itches. For mild forms of this condition, a vinegar soak works well. The anti-fungal properties also make vinegar soaks a good idea for people who have toenail fungus.   How to make a Vinegar Foot Soak: Place two garlic bulbs in a blender along with two handfuls of fresh or dried calendula petals, one handful of comfrey leaves and black walnut leaves. Pour about 2 cups vinegar and 3 cups water over the herbs and blend well....

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